Record: Most Powerful Solar Flare Since 2017
Environment |Author: Diana Kavardzhikova | February 26, 2024, Monday // 14:18| views
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The most powerful solar flare since 2017 has been registered so far. The sun has expelled a mass with values unseen for close to a decade, reports UPI. In less than 24 hours, the sun has unleashed three waves of X-class flares, the highest magnitude on the scale measuring the intensity of solar eruptions.
The third one has been the strongest and is the most powerful since the major solar storms of September 2017, reported BTA, citing the specialized edition
Such a powerful solar flare can temporarily disrupt radio frequency signals on Earth. Speculations linking current solar activity to disruptions in mobile phone connections in some parts of the United States on Thursday were dismissed by the Space Weather Prediction Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Despite the intensity of this solar activity, it is unlikely to trigger the phenomenon known as the Northern Lights on Earth. The region of the Sun, the source of the powerful solar flares this week, may generate new similar ones in the coming days.