Bulgaria: Fathers and Adoptive Parents will be able to use 2 Months of Leave to raise a Child
Society | July 28, 2022, Thursday // 14:35| views
Parliament voted to allow fathers and adoptive parents to take two months of leave to raise a child up to the age of eight, with changes to the Labor Code adopted in the second reading. The leave will be available all at once or in parts, the deputies voted. The condition is that the father has not taken leave to raise a child up to the age of two.
The planned leave cannot be transferred to the other parent, the National Assembly voted. The possibility of using a two-month leave to raise a child up to the age of eight is only for insured persons, and each year the benefit will be explicitly determined. The time during which the leave is used is recognized as work experience.
The father (adoptive parent) who wants to take child leave must notify his employer at least 10 working days in advance.
The adopted changes also contain two main amendments affecting the transposition into Bulgarian legislation of two main EU directives - one related to predictable and transparent working conditions, and the other - to the combination of family obligations and professional life. In this regard, two provisions are laid down, which provide the opportunity for the worker and the employee to have adequate information related to their employment relationship and are further developed with elements for the possibility of professional growth. There are also additional possibilities related to information regarding salary, holidays, working hours and vacations.
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