NSI Preliminary Data: The Government Debt of Bulgaria for 2019 is 24 205 Million BGN or 20.4% of GDP

Finance | April 22, 2020, Wednesday // 14:04|  views

Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash

According to preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute the General Government Institutional Sector reported in 2019 a surplus of 2 470 million BGN or 2.1% of GDP. The surplus in Central Government sub-sector amounted 2 349 million BGN or 2.0% of GDP. The Local Government sub-sector reported deficit of 146 million BGN and the sub-sector Social Security Funds reported surplus of 266 million BGN. The Government Debt of Bulgaria for 2019 is 24 205 million BGN or 20.4% of GDP.

Source: NSI

The statistical information on the activities of General Government institutional sector including debt, deficit and surplus is elaborated according to the harmonized EU methodology1 . In implementation of Council Regulation (EC) No. 479/2009 on the application of the Protocol on the excessive deficit procedure annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community, each member state provides to Eurostat (European Commission) preliminary data on deficit/surplus and debt for the reporting year as of 31st March of the next year and the final data - as of 30th September of the next year, the NSI said in a press release.

Tags: NSI, preliminary data, GDP, surrplus, government debt


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