Study: Germans Are more Adamant about Brexit than the French
Society | October 9, 2019, Wednesday // 11:46| views
Germans are more adamant than the French on Brexit renegotiation, AFP reported. The agency cites a study by the Kantar Emnid Institute, conducted in six countries.
58% of the French do not agree that the European Union gives the UK the opportunity to negotiate a new agreement to leave the union. Almost the same percentage of respondents (57%) are against the new postponement of Brexit, scheduled for October 31st. The Germans are even more adamant: 62% are against renegotiating the Brexit deal, and 66% are against delaying it again.
On the contrary, 52% of Poles are open to the idea of renegotiation, and only 47% of the Dutch think that there should be no further postponement of Brexit. Only 38% of French people believe that in the case of Brexit without a deal, the situation will be worse for the European Union
Most Germans, Poles, Spaniards and Dutch do not expect good things for the EU and their countries in this scenario. Only every fourth Frenchman thinks Brexit is a bad thing. By comparison, three quarters of Germans and Irish think so.