Residents Expose Failure of Institutions to Deal with Migrants in Sofia Neighbourhood
Domestic | January 11, 2016, Monday // 20:13| views
A photo taken by residents of the Ovcha kupel neighbourhood show migrants gathering in large crowds.
Residents of the Ovcha kupel neighbourhood in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia expressed discontent with the failure of institutions to effectively deal with the migrants residing in the nearby refugee camp.
This is not the first time that residents complain of the migrants, who often disturb the daily life in the neighbourhood by gathering in large crowds, engaging in fights, listening to loud music and polluting the area.
Despite the numerous signals and complaints submitted by citizens, there has no been cooperation from the institutions.
A resident of the neighbourhood makes a parallel between the crowds of men of North African origin gathering in the neighbourhood to those who assaulted women in Cologne on New Year's Eve, with the difference being that such groups of between eighty and a hundred young men can be seen gathering in Ovcha kupel on a daily basis.
As a result, people are being afraid to let their children go to school or the shop on their own.
The residents warn that this is their last letter to the relevant institutions before they take protest action by blocking Sofia Ring Road.
The residents of the neighbourhood are shocked by the recent events in Germany, as they believe that some of the suspected perpetrators of the assaults might have been in Sofia just two-three months ago.
So far, no migrant assaults on women have been reported in the neighbourhood.