US Charg? d'Affairs Praises Bulgaria for Reaction to Migrant Influx
Diplomatic Channel | September 7, 2015, Monday // 11:54| views
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What hasn't changed significantly in Bulgaria over the past years are the challenges which Bulgaria is coming across in the field of the rule of law, Roderick Moore, the US Charg? d'Affairs ad interim in Sofia, has said.
"It's great that I am returning to this country where I have worked twice, and I have done so I historic moments for Bulgaria during its transition from Socialism to democracy," Moore is quoted as saying.
In an interview with influential mass-circulation daily Standart, the US envoy also praises Bulgarian politicians for having started a discussion on constitutional amendments and changes to the judicial system, though he is cautious as to whether "these discussions will turn into a law and whether these proposals will be fully or partially accepted".
"I am just a foreign visitor... Even in my country there are corruption scandals all the time. I am saying this because I care for your country - I have spent so much time here and have so many friends here. I think it is good for your democracy to approach this question in a categorical manner. But secondly - because it is in the interest of the US that there should be rule of law and strong anti-corruption fight in Bulgaria. Because Bulgaria and the US are allies in the strongest alliance in human history."
In his words, US countries have invested billions of USD into Bulgaria. If corruption is allowed to reach a certain level, this will make Americans refuse to do business in Bulgaria.
Moore praises Bulgarian law enforcement agencies for showing responsibility in protecting "vulnerable populations from potential threats." He reminds that anywhere a large number of people are arriving from another country, some without documents, it is likely for "dangerous people" to enter as well.
Bulgaria has "the legitimate right" to do what is considers necessary to protect and defend itself, while also applying to a fill extent international humanitarian laws, in his words.
On US-Russia relations, while admitting the boost in US-Bulgaria military drills this year is related to the Ukraine crisis, the diplomat asserts that NATO doesn't want and doesn't seek a conflict with Russia.
"These [military activities in Bulgaria] are completely natural and routine activities between allies. And this cooperation is to continue," he is quoted as saying.
In some areas like energy, however, Moore has placed emphasis on Bulgaria's "perhaps excessive" dependence on Russia, calling for diversification using gas from Azerbaijan and the future interconnector with Greece.