Mass Breastfeeding to Take Place in Mall Following Public Scandal

Society | March 30, 2015, Monday // 08:45|  views

Photo: EPA

Hundreds of mothers will be attending a mass breastfeeding in a mall in Bulgaria's capital Sofia.

The event is scheduled for Monday between 12:30 and 15:30 and has been organized by people in the Facebook group, ''Let's Support Breastfeeding in Public Spaces''.

''This event was created to support breastfeeding women,'' the group's creators stated on the event page. '' This is not a provocation, and neither is it aimed at promotion. All people present are obliged to follow the norms of decent behavior! All indecent, intolerable and impudent actions are completely forbidden!''

According to the event's attendance list, 1,300 mothers will be attending the mass breastfeeding session.

The organizers added that the demonstration was also provoked by various opinions and news articles online.

Breastfeeding in public spaces raised a lot opf alarm in the Bulgarian public space after Denitsa Panayotova announced on March 23 that she has started a lawsuit against a mall in Sofia. The decision was made after a security guard at the mall asked her to stop breastfeeding in front of a store.

After Panayotova complained to the chief of security, she was told that the sight of a breastfeeding woman in the mall is unpleasant and disturbing to customers at the mall. The event made her feel humiliated although she was just doing what she though was best for her child.

The debate has been revolving around the topic of what is appropriate in public spaces, as well as the controversy of mall policies – with posters and billboards of half-naked women, but not allowing public breastfeeding.

Tags: breastfeeding, scandal, mall, Bulgaria, sofia, public debate, discussion, protest, provocation, Denitsa Panayotova


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