Bulgaria May Withdraw Agricultural Attaches from Paris, Berlin

Diplomacy | April 1, 2013, Monday // 14:57|  views

Caretaker Agriculture Minister Ivan Stankov has informed that Bulgaria's Ministry of Agriculture and Food may withdraw the agricultural attaches from Berlin and Paris. Photo by BGNES

Bulgaria's Ministry of Agriculture and Food may withdraw the agricultural attaches from Berlin and Paris, according to caretaker Agriculture Minister Ivan Stankov.

Speaking Monday in Blagoevgrad at the opening of the Forest Week, Stankov noted that the activity of the attaches was being analyzed and the results would determine whether they would be withdrawn.

Stankov, as cited by the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR), reminded that the post of agricultural attach? had been established by former Agriculture Minister Miroslav Naydenov.

Bulgaria's first agricultural attach?, Veselina Evdokimova, former head of the Public Relations Department at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, was sent to Paris on April 1, 2011, investor.bg informs.

Petya Steliyanova was appointed agricultural attach? to Berlin in end-November 2011.

The maintenance of Bulgaria's agricultural attaches is covered by the Agriculture Ministry within a certain budget.

The post of agricultural attach? was established in connection with the planned reform to the EU's common agricultural policy and the key role of France and Germany in the process.

Bulgaria has one more agricultural attach?, Svetoslav Simeonov, who was sent to Brussels in early 2011.

Even if Bulgaria's Agriculture Ministry decides to withdraw agricultural attaches, Simeonov will not be affected by the measure because he was appointed by the SAF and not the Agriculture Ministry.

Simeonov is a crucial witness in the trial against former Agriculture Minister Miroslav Naydenov.

On March 26, the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office pressed charges against Naydenov for bribe offering and malfeasance in office.

Tags: Agriculture Minister, Ivan Stankov, Ministry of Agriculture and Foods, agricultural attache, Miroslav Naydenov


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