Bulgaria's Hope Beyond GERB
Editorial |Author: Maria Guineva | April 21, 2011, Thursday // 12:32| views
It has been going on for quite a while now – portraits of Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, hanging in offices and all State institutions, calendars and other advertising materials of the ruling GERB everywhere, Christmas trees decorated with gift boxes with GERB written on them, even a contest for the "Hottest Female Fan of the Prime Minister."
We watch, shrug, and sigh that not much had changed in the last 21 years, to the contrary – things lately have turned to the worse.
There was also a cake for the kids, with GERB inscribed on it.
Some parents found it outrageous and raised alarm, sending shockwaves and breaking headlines.
The thought of taking back our children to times when youth was told "the Communist party is the air we breathe" and made to chant "our party is the sun, we are its beams," turned unbearable for many.
The indignation of the public and the stated intolerance for political propaganda in schools is good news – it shows that as society we have moved at least one step forward on the path to democracy.
The other good news is the fact none of the teams was able to successfully compose the phrase – Bulgaria might finally have a young generation that does not grasp the "stupid" (as Education Minister Sergey Ignatov called it) idea to compose political slogans in order to earn a coveted prize.