Search by tag "President Rosen Plevneliev" - 33 results found.
Bulgaria’s 43rd National Assembly to Hold Inaugural Session
Maverick Socialist to Head Caretaker Government
Politics | Aug 5, 2014, Tue -
Bulgaria's Central Electoral Commission Appoints New Management
Bulgarian Socialist Leader Calls for Referendum on Tax System
Bulgarians Launch Petition in Support of Voting Rules Referendum
Bulgarian MPs Reject Mandatory, Online Vote Proposals
Newest Bulgarian Politician Threatens Occupation of Ukrainian Embassy
Bulgarian MPs Postpone Controversial Syria Visit
Society | Nov 26, 2013, Tue -
Bulgaria: Sofia University Blocked after Sunday March Marks 150th Day of Protests
Views on BG | Nov 11, 2013, Mon -
5 Bulgarian Towns with New Mayors, 2 Runoff Elections
Bulgaria Holds Local Mayoral By-Elections
Bulgarian Socialists Rule Out Impeachment of President
Bulgaria Govt Supporters Seek Presidential Impeachment
Bulgarians Break into Applauses for President on 22nd Day of Anti-Govt Protests
Bulgaria's Nationalists Vow to Seek Presidential Impeachment
Bulgaria's President Calls for New Snap Polls amid Protests
Bulgaria's Shaky Govt Defy Calls to Resign
Bulgaria’s Govt Has Just One Option - Resignation, Borisov Says
Bulgarian PM Defies Calls to Resign
New Snap Polls Loom Large in Bulgaria