EU Issues Formal Notice to Bulgaria Over Four Infringement Procedures

EU | January 25, 2024, Thursday // 17:31|  views

The European Commission has initiated four infringement procedures against Bulgaria, marking a formal notice sent to the country. Bulgaria now faces a two-month window to respond to the notice, or the Commission may proceed to issue a reasoned opinion.

  1. Emissions Trading: Bulgaria, alongside 25 other EU member states, including Germany, France, Italy, and Spain, has failed to fully communicate the transposition of changes in EU emissions trading rules into national law by the December 31, 2023 deadline. The amendments to the EU Emissions Trading System Directive strengthen existing rules, extend the system to maritime transport, and introduce carbon pricing in additional economic sectors.

  2. Legal Economic Migration: Bulgaria and 16 other member states have not communicated the national measures transposing the EU Blue Card Directive to the Commission by the November 18, 2023 deadline. The directive aims to establish entry and residence conditions for highly qualified non-EU nationals seeking to live and work in the EU, introducing more efficient rules for attracting skilled workers.

  3. Motor Insurance: Directive (EU) 2021/2118, amending Directive 2009/103/EC, seeks to enhance the protection of victims of traffic accidents across the EU. Bulgaria, along with 16 other member states, has not communicated the full transposition of this directive by the December 23, 2023 deadline, which clarifies the scope of protection and facilitates checks on compulsory motor insurance.

  4. Consumer Credits: The EU rules on credit servicers and credit purchasers, designed to allow the marketing of non-performing loans cross-border, face non-compliance from Bulgaria and 20 other member states. The National Law Directive (NPL) requires member states to adopt and publish measures transposing it into national law by December 29, 2023, to protect consumers in the handling of non-performing loans.

Bulgaria's response to these infringement procedures will be critical in determining the next steps taken by the European Commission.

Tags: European, Commission, infringement, Bulgaria


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