The Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria – How Can We Help

Incidents | February 7, 2023, Tuesday // 17:56|  views

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Two "Spartan" aircraft of the Bulgarian Air Force landed last night at Adana Airport, southern Turkey. A team of 12 employees of the Bulgarian Mountain Rescue Service arrived in the area together with five specially trained dogs, as well as equipment and equipment. On board one "Spartan" there is a car of the Bulgarian Mountain Rescue Service. The teams are involved in the rescue of people buried under the remains of collapsed buildings in the areas affected by the earthquakes.

Екип от 12 души от Планинската спасителна служба на БЧК и 5 кучета отпътувх тази вечер за Турция.

Posted by Български Червен кръст (Bulgarian Red Cross) on Monday, February 6, 2023

Two teams from the Military Medical Academy also went to the disaster site. The teams are composed of a doctor-surgeon and an anesthetist nurse and are part of the Modular military medical formations for providing medical assistance in disasters, accidents, catastrophes and others, the medical facility announced.

ДВА ЕКИПА НА ВМА ЗАМИНАВАТ В ПОМОЩ НА ТУРЦИЯ Два екипа от Военномедицинска академия (ВМА) ще се включат в помощта,...

Posted by Военномедицинска академия - ВМА on Monday, February 6, 2023

What you can do if you want to help

Here are some organizations and individuals already collecting and organizing aid and donations for those affected by the devastating earthquakes, as well as a list of things that are currently needed.

"I talked to several people from Turkey about what is needed. We made a cause with Krasi from #KauziBg and anyone who wants to can participate in collecting donations to provide for the victims in Turkey and the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people left on the street with the following emergencies," said on Facebook Lazar Radkov from "Caps for the Future".

Here is a list of essentials:

+ blankets

+ sleeping bags

+ shawls

+ tents

+ rescue thermal foil

+ camping beds

+ pillows

+ sheets

+ pocket stoves

+ hand warmers

+ stoves for tents

+ small generators

+ diapers

+ bandages

+ batteries

+ lanterns

Donations can also be made to Help the people in Turkey after the earthquakes.

Отчет за деня и как да помогнем на хората в Турция: Чувствам се пребит, вече трудно се сещам някои думи, проведох над...

Posted by Lazar Radkov on Monday, February 6, 2023

Another volunteer, organizer of charity campaigns, the publisher Manol Peykov, who embarrassed the Bulgarian state with his action to donate generators to Ukraine, also launched a publication with the possibility of collecting donations.

Friends, in case you want to donate funds or provide material assistance to those affected by the earthquakes, here is what the victims in Turkey need most at the moment (the same probably applies to Syria, but we have no connection with them for now)”:

● Gloves, jackets, scarves, hats;

● Blankets;

● Gas heaters for outdoor heating;

● Diapers, sanitary napkins, baby food;

● Coal stoves;

● Tents;

● Camping chairs and tables;

● Disposable towels for showers;

● First aid kits;

● Internal lighting for battery-powered tents;

● Large mattresses and sleeping bags.

We are currently looking through various channels for large quantities of the above goods at the most reasonable prices possible.”

You can help by:

○ Donating one or more of the above items;

○ Donating money, which we will immediately turn into things from the above list and transport them to the affected areas;

○ Put me in touch with a manufacturer, importer or supplier of any of the above goods who is willing to provide large quantities at the most reasonable price.

Here is the donation account:


Commercial bank D


Holder: Manol Kostadinov Peykov

Reason: For the victims of the earthquake.


In Bulgarian language:


Търговска банка Д


Титуляр: Манол Костадинов Пейков

Основание: За пострадалите от земетресението.


Thank you for your empathy and sharing!

P.S. Our friends from the McCann advertising agency and the Three Women Foundation just called me to tell me that they are organizing a temporary donation collection point in the agency's Sofia office. The address is”:

McCann Agency

23 Shipka St

Sofia 1504

phone +359885999766

“P.P.S. The address in Plovdiv for sending donations from the above-mentioned list is

Manol Peykov

PH Jeanette 45

Blvd. Stamboliyski 9

4004 Plovdiv

tel. +359889377723

In Bulgarian language:

Агенция Маккан

ул. Шипка 23

София 1504

тел. +359885999766

П.П.П. Адресът в Пловдив за изпращане на дарения от гореспоменатия списък е

Манол Пейков

ИК Жанет 45

бул. Ал. Стамболийски 9

4004 Пловдив


Приятели, в случай, че искате да дарите средства или да окажете материална помощ на засегнатите от земетресението, ето...

Posted by Manol Peykov on Monday, February 6, 2023

The National Association of Volunteers in Bulgaria (NADRB) is sending a team of 20 volunteers to help in Turkey. The group consists of trained and ready search and rescue and first aid specialists.

We urgently need funds to provide them with fuel, supplies, medicine and other essentials to be more effective in the field and above all to ensure their own safety.

Our team is preparing to work in extremely difficult conditions at sub-zero temperatures and is expected to stay there for at least a week. Our boys and girls will sleep in field conditions and are expected to perform very heavy tasks. Let's together provide them with everything they need to be calm and save human lives! Thank you in advance!

You can donate via the button in the link by making a transfer to our account

Bank account of the Association "National Association of Volunteers in the Republic of Bulgaria":

UniCredit Bulbank AD;

IBAN: BG11 UNCR 7000 1522 2002 11;


In Bulgarian language:

Банкова сметка на Сдружение „Национална асоциация на доброволците в Република България“:

Уникредит Булбанк АД;

IBAN: BG11 UNCR 7000 1522 2002 11;

BIC: UNCRBGSF НАДРБ изпраща екип от 20 доброволци на помощ в Турция. Групата се състои от обучени и готови...

Posted by Национална Асоциация на Доброволците в Република България - НАДРБ on Monday, February 6, 2023

The Bulgarian Red Cross launched a campaign to raise funds to help the victims of the devastating earthquake in the Republic of Turkey on February 6, 2023. A special bank account was opened in BGN:

IBAN: BG64UNCR76301078660913

For the victims of the earthquake in Turkey

In Bulgarian language:

IBAN: BG64UNCR76301078660913

За пострадалите от земетресението в Турция

You can support the BRC campaign by sending an SMS to the short number 1466 to all mobile operators.

Българският Червен кръст стартира кампания за набиране на финансови средства в помощ на пострадалите от опустошителното...

Posted by Български Червен кръст (Bulgarian Red Cross) on Monday, February 6, 2023

Donations can also be made to the regional mufti offices in Bulgaria, as well as to the bank account of the Muslim Confession:

Commercial Bank "D"

IBAN: BG15DEMI92401000232957


/indicating the purpose of the donation/

In Bulgarian language:

Търговска банка "Д"

IBAN: BG15DEMI92401000232957

BIC: DEMIBGSF also joined in helping the victims.

"We are making an urgent campaign and we are starting to help. We provide the most necessary things as a priority - blankets, raincoats, food, medical materials, support for children and what is needed for the rescue teams, including the Bulgarian ones.

We will help urgently, effectively, actively! The goal is to send first aid within 24 hours. Nikola Rahnev has been talking for hours with suppliers and we have already found 600,000 rescue blankets, we are looking for the necessary ones, we are acting, monitoring and adapting," they announced.


You can donate here: Foundation

IBAN: BG74RZBB91551011840078

Reason: Earthquake

(in the comment and PayPal and with cards)

In Bulgarian language:

Фондация „Гората.бг“

IBAN: BG74RZBB91551011840078

Основание: Земетресение

(в коментар и PayPal и с карти)

As a priority, we provide the necessary - blankets, raincoats, food, medical materials, support for children and the necessary for the rescue teams, including the Bulgarian ones.”

ПОМАГАМЕ НА ПОСТРАДАЛИТЕ В ТУРЦИЯ И СИРИЯ!❤️ ???? Изказваме искрени съболезнования на близките на хилядите загинали и...

Posted by Гората.бг on Monday, February 6, 2023

All donations to the "National Children's Network" until the end of February will help the affected children and families in the Arsuz municipality - one of the most affected areas near the border with Syria, where there are many refugees and where aid is more difficult to reach.

The donations will reach Turkey with the direct partnership of the international organization ECPAT International, which works on the ground in Turkey and Syria, is in contact with the mayor of the municipality and is currently providing humanitarian aid there.

In times of such tragedy, empathy and humanity transcend boundaries and differences and unite us. Let's reach out to those who are suffering,” calls the organization.

You can help at

UNICEF started a donation campaign.

Thousands died under the rubble of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Donate to help the children affected by the earthquakes,” the international organization is urging.

To help Syria, you can turn to the Syrian volunteer units, more popularly known as the "White Helmets".

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Tags: turkey, Syria, help, donate


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