Bulgarians Celebrate Day of Epiphany, the Holy Cross is thrown into the water
Society | January 6, 2022, Thursday // 10:32| views
Today is Epiphany, name day is celebrated by Yordan, Yordanka, Dancho, Dana, Boyan, Bogdan and Bogdana.
The battle flags of the Bulgarian Army are consecrated on January 6, the tradition was restored in 1993, before that the ritual was performed from 1879 to 1946.
The meals on the table on Epiphany include fresh bread, sauerkraut, stuffed peppers, cabbage, beans, walnuts and wine.
According to the biblical account of the Epiphany, or Jordan's Day, Jesus came to John the Baptist of the Jordan River. There is a legend that St. John the Baptist submerged every person he baptized and held them like that until they confessed all their sins.
When he saw Jesus, John the Baptist immediately bowed and said that he should be baptized with him. But Jesus entered the waters of the Jordan River, and then the heavens opened above him, a light shone from above, like lightning, and the spirit of God in the form of a dove descended on the baptizing Lord. A voice was heard saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
The Feast of the Epiphany is also called Enlightenment, because the Jordanian event enlightens by showing God revealed in the unattainable mystery of the inseparable Trinity. Everyone is adopted by the Holy Baptism by the Father of light through the merit of the Son and the power of the Holy Spirit. There is evidence of the celebration of this holiday as early as the 2nd century, but until the 4th century it was associated with the Nativity of Christ.
The common feast for the two events was called the Epiphany, because at his baptism in the waters of the Jordan, Jesus Christ appeared to the world for public service. Later, the church agreed to celebrate the two events separately - on December 25, Christmas, and on January 6, Epiphany. On this day for health, everyone participates in the consecration of the water, when after a festive church service the priest throws the holy cross into the water.
Young men throw themselves, despite the cold and low temperature, and take the cross out of the water - whoever catches it is happy and healthy all year round. Sick people bathe in the water where the cross was thrown. If the cross thrown into the water freezes, it portends health and great prosperity. If the weather is cold and dry, it is considered a sign of a fertile and good year. Finally, with a bunch of basil, the priest “sprinkles the people with health”.
A solemn liturgy called the Great Blessing of Water is read. Holy water in Orthodox churches is renewed and everyone takes it home, as it purifies the soul and protects against disease.
Holy water is stored throughout the year and is used in difficult times for the family.