Weather in Bulgaria: Rainfall and Wind with Max Temp Between 11°-16°C
Environment | October 8, 2021, Friday // 09:05| viewsPixabay
Today it will be cloudy, rainy and windy. Rainfall will cover the country, in places in Western and Central Bulgaria the quantities will be significant. The wind will be moderate, along the Danube and in Eastern Bulgaria - temporarily strong wind from east-northeast. Maximum temperatures will be between 11°-16° Celsius. This was announced for FOCUS News Agency by the weather forecaster on duty Krassimir Stoev from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH).
Atmospheric pressure is and will remain slightly higher than the average for the month. Above the Black Sea coast will be cloudy, windy and with rain, significant in the afternoon and evening. A moderate and temporarily strong wind from the east-northeast will blow. Maximum air temperatures will be between 14°C and 17°C. The temperature of the sea water will be 17° -19°C. The sea wave will be 3-4 points.
Above the mountains it will be cloudy, windy and with rain. Above about 1600 meters the precipitation will be from snow and a snow cover will form on the tops. In the massifs of Western Bulgaria and the Fore-Balkans the quantities will be significant. A strong wind will blow from the east-northeast, which in the evening on the high and open parts will be oriented from the southeast. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be about 6°C, at 2000 meters - about 2°C.
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