Bulgarian Immunologist - Facts about Side Effects and Impact of COVID-19 Vaccines

Health | December 10, 2020, Thursday // 10:21|  views


Most importantly, vaccines are aimed at creating an immune response and protect us from the virus, told BNT Assoc. Prof. Tsvetelina Velikova, M.D., immunologist.

"Side effects occur in about 3-4% of immunized and pass after 1-2 days. Symptoms are most often general fatigue or headache. No severe reactions have been recorded in clinical studies," said Dr. Velikova.

An RNA vaccine consists of an mRNA strand that codes for a disease-specific antigen. Once the mRNA strand in the vaccine is inside the body’s cells, the cells use the genetic information to produce the antigen. This antigen is then displayed on the cell surface, where it is recognized by the immune system, the immunologist revealed.

"The vaccine is not in any way associated with the cytokine storm," Assoc. Prof. Velikova, M.D was adamant.

The vaccine is not given to pregnant, lactating women and children," the immunologist added.

"We may have to revaccinate each year," Revealed Assoc. Prof. Tsvetelina Velikova, M.D.

The Associate Professor reminded that if we are infected or sick with COVID-19 immunostimulants are highly inadvisable. We may take vitamins, but according to doctor’s prescriptions.




Tags: Coronavirus, side effects, impact


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