Bulgarian Judicial Council Will Discuss Opening of Procedure for Dismissal of Prosecutor General

Society | October 22, 2020, Thursday // 11:29|  views


Today the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) will discuss whether to start a procedure for preemptive dismissal of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev. On September 30, the largest judicial organization, the Union of Judges in Bulgaria, sent a letter to the SJC, once again urging the council to analyze the Prosecutor General's conduct and initiate a procedure for his dismissal.

The Union of Judges points out a number of reasons why, in their opinion, the Judicial Council should start a procedure to remove Geshev.

  The judges also raise questions, such as whether the image of the judiciary system has been damaged by creating the impression that the prosecution has become a political center of power that does not depend on democratic procedures for seeking and exercising responsibility.

Meanwhile, lawyers from the second largest Bar Council in Bulgaria – Plovdiv  sent a written position to the members of the SJC, joining the request of the judges, and according to Plovdiv BAR there are sufficient legal grounds for Geshev's dismissal - a serious violation and systematic failure to perform official duties, as well as actions that damage prestige and public image of the Bulgarian judiciary system.

The discussion of possible disciplinary proceedings or a procedure for dismissal of the Prosecutor General is taking place on the background of a series of protests against Geshev.

Tags: dismissal, Prosecutor General, Geshev


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