78% of Bulgarians are Ready to Sacrifice some of their Human Rights to Deal with the Coronavirus
Society | April 9, 2020, Thursday // 18:25| views
The government's response to the virus continues to be praised. However, concerns about jobs continue to grow. Bulgarians take the threat of infection more seriously, but they remain reluctant to exaggerate its significance.
The conclusions are from an independent express Gallup International survey, held on April 6 and 7, among 901 adult Bulgarian citizens. A special panel methodology was used to ensure maximum data representation - in combination of telephone and SMS surveys.
Power and economy
77% of the Bulgarians say that this country’s government is coping well with the Covid-19 crisis and 22% of the respondents voiced the opposite opinion. Nearly a month ago, just before the state of emergency, asked the same question, 60% of the respondents found the government's actions good or very good, 37% disagreed or were even shared an extremely negative opinion. Ten days after the introduction of the state of emergency, another Gallup International survey has already shown more than 70% situational approval of the authorities' actions.
However, the potential social and economic problems are deepening. 22% of the Bulgarians say they have lost part of their incomes, the latest survey further reads. 14% of the respondents say they were temporarily suspended from work and 8% of the Bulgarians say they are working less hours. 9% of the respondents answered that they lost their jobs. This is a significant increase over the previous two weeks - at the end of March, those who declared they lost their jobs were 3%, a week later they were 6%. Even though respondents' declarations are not sufficiently accurate or contain more scares, nearly one-tenth of the adult population clearly finds that they have lost a major source of income. And that share has been steadily growing in recent weeks.
Fears and expectations
69% of adult Bulgarians, fear that they or their loved ones may get infected with the new coronavirus. In the beginning of the state of emergency 62% said they were afraid of the coronavirus infection. 27% say they are not afraid, while in mid-March their share was 38%. Obviously, a month ago, the public was not yet aware of the possible magnitude of the threat.
At the same time, however, 55% of the Bulgarians think that the danger is exaggerated or even greatly exaggerated. 41% do not think. The rest hesitate. However, prior to the introduction of the state of emergency, those who found the threat of exaggeration were much higher than now - 72% and the opposite opinion was 27%. It turns out that before the spread of the infection in Bulgaria, apparently more people underestimated it.
57% believe that after the pandemic, the world will change dramatically, 37% agree, and the rest find it difficult to respond.
78% say they are ready to even sacrifice some of their human rights if it helps to deal with the infection. 20% rather reject or completely reject such an alternative. Just before the emergency measures, the ratio was 83% versus 16%.