Bulgaria's Vice President: More than Ever, we Need Unity - Bulgarians in Bulgaria and Bulgarians around the World

Society | April 9, 2020, Thursday // 17:43|  views


The coronavirus pandemic has changed our way of life, has hit us at the most vulnerable - human health, it has a dramatic impact on the economy as well. I believe that we will go through these difficulties, learn lessons, and become stronger and better. This is what Vice President Iliana Yotova wrote in a letter addressed to the Bulgarian communities abroad. The Vice President and her team have been in constant contact with over 150 Bulgarian companies in 33 countries.

"I turn to you to share this belief. To assure you that Bulgarians here in Bulgaria are thinking of you. It is important for all of us at this point to stay together, to keep in touch, though virtually. And hopefully there will be more good news soon. Communication, compassion and understanding help to overcome the difficulties in families, in the profession, and in the communities in which we live,” the Vice President said.

Iliyana Yotova points out that every day is a test for the people on the front line - medics, law enforcement, everyone whose activity is vital today - those working in trade, transport, production, administration. "They need our support and responsibility. We need to help the most vulnerable, the needy, all those who are struggling to cope alone, "the Vice President recalls.

Iliana Yotova expressed her pride and gratitude to all Bulgarians - in Bulgaria and abroad, who are at the forefront of the fight against the crisis.

"More than ever, we need unity," the Vice President said.

"We may be fated to live in isolation, but not in indolence. We can each do something to help. Now everyone is a hero, said Vice President Iliana Yotova, addressing Bulgarians living abroad. For us it is important that, at this time, we stay together, that we keep in contact with one another, albeit virtually."

In her letter, Vice President Yotova assured that the planned forum for the unity of Bulgarians in Bulgaria and around the world will be held when the pandemic situation is over. 


Tags: Bulgaria, unity, Vice President, Iliyana Yotova


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