BILLA Bulgaria Donated BGN 100,000 to fight the coronavirus in Bulgaria

Business | March 19, 2020, Thursday // 13:12|  views


BILLA Bulgaria will donate BGN 100,000 to fight the coronavirus in the country as part of the charity campaign 'Together against the coronavirus', initiated by the Bulgarian Red Cross. The campaign is raising funds to support efforts by the National Operational Headquarters to address the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of COVID-19.

In accordance with the recommendations of the Operations Headquarters and the Ministry of Health, the collected BRC will provide the needs for everything needed for the early detection, restriction and treatment of the coronavirus.

"It has always been a priority for BILLA to help the public in difficult times. In difficult situations like this, we believe that the best way to deal is by being united. That is why we hope that with our donation, we are setting a positive example by which we will attract other companies, as well as citizens, to support the campaign and to be committed to the noble efforts of Bulgarian medics, ”said Norbert Misbrandt, Manager of BILLA Bulgaria.

Anyone who wants to support the campaign can:

• via SMS to short number 1466 at the price of 1 BGN to all mobile operators

• to the BRC bank account

Tags: Coronavirus, COVID-19, Bulgaria, Billa


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