How to Recognise COVID-19?
Health | March 16, 2020, Monday // 14:37| views
1. COVID-19 continues to be a flu-like virus with a symptom complex fully covered by the flu combination for the year. The virus is distinguishable from the flu strain by test only. There are basically three differences. The new virus has an average incubation period of 8 days, with influenza being 2 days. The new virus is about 2.3% more likely to have fatal complications than seasonal flu, and this difference is entirely due to the lack of a vaccine. Third, the symptoms last for 8 to 14 days, unlike seasonal flu (7 days), with a tendency to get better every day. There is no place for panic. Personal responsibility for the health of others remains 99% of control.
2. The chance of a person dying from the new virus is still greater than the death of a seasonal flu - according to WHO data, the mortality rate in the case of a coronavirus is about 3 - 4%. Again thanks to flu vaccines. There is no reported death in Europe below 50 years. Massively, it is about decompensating current chronic conditions that are life-threatening in any pneumonia.
3. How does the infection develop? COVID-19 is in the golden environment of viruses as far as human-to-human transmission is concerned. This in numbers means that in a room of 100 people it is expected that 70 will have inoculation (attachment) of the virus upon introduction of the pathogen. With the remaining 30%, the virus will not be able to attach itself to the respiratory mucosa.
4. How does the disease develop? 70 out of 100 contacts are carriers. 70% of them or 49 people will not develop the whole symptom complex, but a single cough, malaise and stabilization on the second day. In a fast-paced, stressful lifestyle, you won't even realize you're sick. This makes you a major threat to the country - a permanent and mobile tank of the virus. This is where personal responsibility comes from. Don't panic - responsibility! Limiting social contacts to a minimum while continuing the work process. Wash as you enter and exit any new environment, as you can import or export viruses. Wear a mask if you can get one in a contact environment and in the care of your loved ones. Maintain high hygiene in homes. Exterior doors and hallways are the most important. The other - whenever possible. Ventilate frequently! The virus cannot enter through the window, but it can exit from there and die in the atmosphere.
5. Disease with symptom complex. 21 patients out of 100 will develop the disease. High fever, dry (very rarely moist) coughing, difficulty breathing - you feel like you are short of breath when lying down or trying to work, general adynamia. All these complaints are not the cause of hospital treatment. Call GPs for advice on drug treatment - I REPEAT "CALL"! This is enough for your recovery within 10 days. Hospitals are also issued retrospectively. First you stabilize, then you look for them. HERE IS THE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. There is no reason to hide from work without illness. See item 2 and item 3
6. The important part. From the data available to 12 out of 100 contact individuals around the eighth day, a collapse in the overall condition was observed. All the symptoms of item 5 are exacerbated and difficulty breathing occurs at rest when seated and is constant, with suffocation when lying down. THIS IS THE MOMENT TO SEEK HOSPITAL ASSISTANCE.
Panic and crowding in front of emergency wards with common cold symptoms are not only unnecessary, but will make our efforts to deal with the viral wave ineffective and insufficient. Coronavirus tests are also superfluous. At the tail end of flu, if you develop item 5, you have a 90% Crown Virus virus. Seeing it on a lab sheet will not make you feel better. If you need hospitalization, you will be tested anyway.
The country has the material and medical staff to deal with Covid - 19 only with the active participation of its citizens, the Bulgarian Medical Association reported.