The US Senate to Provide $ 3.3 Billion in Annual Aid to Israel
World | January 10, 2020, Friday // 14:25| views
Republicans and Democrats in the US Senate approved a bill to provide $ 3.3 billion in annual aid to Israel, Reuters reported.
In fact, with this piece of legislation passed by Republican Marco Rubio and Democrat Chris Coons, the Memorandum of Understanding signed four years ago between Israel and the Barack Obama administration is gaining the force of law.
This is the largest financial assistance from the United States to another country.
Rubio and Coons tabled the bill amid heightened tensions in the Middle East after the assassination of Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani by order of President Donald Trump. In response, Iran fired missiles at a military base in Iraq that houses US troops.
According to the petitioners, Israel is exposed to "unprecedented threats" and the events of the last few days are a "vivid reminder" of the importance of US aid to Israel's security.