NSI: Economic Accounts for Agriculture for 2019

Business | December 19, 2019, Thursday // 16:37|  views


According to the first estimate of Economic Accounts for Agriculture, the final output at basic prices of the agricultural industry in 2019 amounted to BGN 8,318.0 million, or 1.7% lower than in 2018. The decrease was mainly due to drop in the volumes – by 1.9%, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) said in a press release.

The value of crop production amounted to BGN 5,708.7 million, down 1.1% compared to 2018. The decrease was in result of drop in the volumes by 0.8% and drop in the prices by 0.3%. The livestock production was estimated at BGN 1,917.8 million and also marked a drop of 3.6% year-on-year. The decrease was due to a drop of 5.6% in volumes.

The value of means of production currently consumed in agriculture in 2019 amounted to BGN 4,577.4 million, which was 4.5% lower year-on-year and was due to a drop in the volumes by 6.2%.
Gross value added at basic prices produced in agriculture in 2019 was estimated at BGN 3,740.6 million and was by 2.1% higher than in 2018. The growth was as result of increase in the volumes - by 3.8%, which compensated for the fall in the prices - by 1.6%.

The value index of income at factor cost decreased by 1.9% and net operating surplus/mixed income - by 3.2%, which was due to the decrease of volume in output and received subsidies in agriculture compare to 2018. In comparison to 2018 the value index of net entrepreneurial income in agriculture in 2019 dropped by 8.8%.

Tags: agriculture, NSI, economic accounts


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