Twitter Is Starting to Delete Inactive Accounts
Society | November 27, 2019, Wednesday // 09:59|
Twitter will begin deleting accounts that have been inactive for more than six months unless users log in before December 11th.
Accounts of users who have stopped posting to the site because they have died will also be deleted - unless someone with that person's account details logs in.
For the first time, Twitter removes inactive accounts on such a large scale.
The site has announced that it does so because users who do not log-in were unable to agree to its updated privacy policies.
A spokesman for Twitter also said it would improve credibility by removing dormant accounts from people's follower counts, something which may give a user an undue sense of importance. The first batch of deleted accounts will involve those registered outside of the US.
The company bases inactivity on whether or not a person has logged in at least once in the past six months. Twitter said it was not doing what some users on the web had suggested - an attempt to release usernames. However, previously inaccessible usernames will start appearing after the December 11 deadline, but this will be a gradual process, starting with non-U.S. users.
In the future, the company also plans to look at accounts where people have logged in but are not performing any other activity on the platform.
The site sends emails to users of accounts that will be affected by the deletion. The social network has not announced how many current accounts meet the criteria.
Twitter will send another email to its users before the deadline.