Today Is the World Diabetes Day - more than 650,000 People in Bulgaria Live with the Disease
Health | November 14, 2019, Thursday // 11:47| views
World Diabetes Day is celebrated annually on 14 November each year by decision of the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization, in response to growing concern about the future of millions of people suffering from the disease. In 2007, World Diabetes Day is also the official holiday of the United Nations with the adoption of Resolution 61/225, which emphasizes the need for urgent measures to improve the risk factors for diabetes control. November 14 itself was chosen because it was the birthday of Frederick Banting, who together with Charles Best, in 1921, discovered the life-saving treatment for type 1 diabetes - insulin.
According to the International Diabetes Federation (MDF) more than 500,000 people in Bulgaria live with diagnosed diabetes mellitus. Another 150,000 have diabetes but are unaware of it and therefore not treated. This means that the disease affects about 10% of the adult population. In 2005, the incidence was lower - 8.4%, and the forecast for 2030 is an increase to 10.9%, BGNES reported.
Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by elevated blood sugar levels due to a partial decrease or impaired effect of insulin (type 2 diabetes) or a complete loss of production in the body (type 1 diabetes). Type 1 diabetes mellitus in a large percentage of cases is an autoimmune disease. It causes severe symptoms, weight loss, increased fluid output, a feeling of weakness, fatigue, and ketoacidosis - very high blood glucose values, which is admitted to the hospital. Diabetes mellitus type 2 is the most common type of diabetes, which is associated with lifestyle risk factors: overweight, obesity, unhealthy eating, reduced physical activity, and alcohol abuse. By changing people's behavior and daily habits, reduction of risk factors it is possible to prevent 70% of cases of type 2 diabetes.
High blood sugar levels can damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves and large blood vessels and cause complications such as loss of vision, amputations and kidney failure. Type 1 diabetes shortens life expectancy by 15 years and type 2 diabetes by 5 to 10 years. Each year more than 8,000 people die as a result of diabetes in Bulgaria, or 22 people a day. In fact, this number would be much higher if the deaths caused by diabetes complications were taken into account.
Effective treatment can reduce disabling complications by up to 50%. The patient and the treatment team have a common goal: to achieve and maintain good blood glucose control. The International Diabetes Federation recommends the following values for good control - blood sugar before meals: 4-7 mmol / l; blood sugar 2 hours after meals: <10 mmol / l). Diagnosis and control of diabetes are also measured (HbA1C), which has been an indicator of diabetes control over the last 3 months. The recommendation of MDF is the glycated hemoglobin to be below 7% or according to the individual recommendations of the endocrinologist. Improved glycemic control has been shown to reduce the risk of complications and increase life expectancy.