BIA Launches a Project to Encourage a Longer Working Life

Business | October 1, 2019, Tuesday // 15:46|  views

The Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) is launching a project to encourage a longer working life.

The funding of the project “Joint action by the social partners for adapting the working environment to the specific age-related needs of different generations” – over 850,000 euro – will be provided by the European Social Fund under the operational programme "Human Resources Development, Education and Life Lifelong Learning", BNR reported.

It will be implemented by the Bulgarian Industrial Association in partnership with the Confederation of independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria over the next two years and will support 10 economic sectors, 120 enterprises and 2,000 employees. The BIA quotes demographic data according to which the oldest workers – 55-65 and over account for a growing portion of the workforce in Bulgaria. In 2003 they accounted for 12 percent, whereas in 2019 this percentage stands at over 23.

Tags: Bulgarian Industrial Association, BIA, Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria, project, encouragement, employers


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