The Center of Sofia Becomes a Scene of the Ancient Festival
Society | September 19, 2019, Thursday // 15:06| views
,,The West Gate of Serdica'' and the ,,Ancient Cultural and Communication Complex Serdica'' will draw attention to the restored antique sites in Sofia during the Ancient Festival "Serdica is My Rome".
It will be held on September 21st and 22nd and is organized by the Association for Antique Reconstruction "MOS MAIORUM ULPIAE SERDICAE and funded by the Culture Program of the Sofia Municipality.
Partners are also ROME Sofia, Circle at the Department of Roman Law at the Law Faculty of Sofia University, Summer School of Classical Languages Clubs from Bulgaria and abroad.
With a rich program prepared, residents and guests of the city will be able to learn about the early history of Serdica during the reign of Emperor Constantine the Great and the events and everyday life, and customs of the Romans and barbarian tribes inhabited our lands.
The ,,Serdica Antique Cultural and Communication Complex'' will once again feature Roman citizens, craftsmen, merchants and magistrates as the festival brings together over 140 reconstructors from Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Austria and Estonia.