Weekend Weather Forecast

Environment | July 27, 2019, Saturday // 11:22|  views


The atmospheric pressure will drop and will be lower than the average for the month. At night it will be mostly clear and almost quiet.

Before noon it will be sunny. In the afternoon, there will be temporary cloud increases, but only in isolated places it will rain occasionally. After noon, in the eastern half of the country, it will blow weak to moderate southeast wind, while it will be almost quiet to the west. Maximum temperatures will be mostly between 29 and 34 degrees.

It will be sunny on The Black Sea coast. In the afternoon, there will be temporary cloud increases, but rainfalls are not expected. It will blow weak to moderate southeast wind. The maximum temperatures will be between 27 and 29 degrees, slightly higher than the sea water temperature. 

It will be mostly sunny in the mountains. After noon, there will be temporary cloud increases, but only in some places will pass briefly. It will blow moderate wind from the west-northwest. The maximum temperature at a height of 1200 meters will be about 23 degrees, at 2000 meters - about 18 degrees.

On the weekend, it will be mostly sunny. In the afternoon, over the mountains and the mountainous areas in the west half of the country will develop cumulus-rain clouds and in some places there will be rain accompanied by thunders. It will blow moderate south-southeast wind. Temperatures on Saturday will increase by a further two degrees and the maximum will be between 31 and 36 degrees, lower on the Black Sea coast.

Tags: Weather forecast, weekend


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