UN: At Least One Migrant Child Dies or Disappears Every Day
Society | June 29, 2019, Saturday // 13:51| views
At least one migrant child dies or disappears every day during the 2014-2018 period, according to a report published by the UN on “Fatal Journeys”. It was published by the IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) of the United Nations International Migration Organization and UN Children's Fund UNICEF. In addition, he researchers warned that many tragic cases of migrant children aren’t reported or identified.
1600 cases of missing or missing migrant children have been identified for the specified period.
"Tragically, we have been reminded in recent days that children are among the most vulnerable groups of migrants," said Frank Laczko, director of IOM's GMDAC.
For the same period, a total of 32 000 deaths of migrants worldwide have been identified. According to the report, deaths for the same period should increase by at least another 1907 due to the migratory wave across Mexico to the United States.
The most fatal migration route in the world is the Mediterranean, where over 17,900 people died between 2014 and 2018. It is also the deadliest place for children, with 678 deaths recorded. Some 337 children died while migrating in Africa, although figures in that region are even harder to come by. The highest number of deaths, 144, occurred in North Africa, presumably on their way to Europe, DW reported.