The Average Monthly Income Per Person in Sofia is BGN 661

Finance | May 30, 2019, Thursday // 14:20|  views

People with higher education in Sofia are twice as many as those in the country.

The average monthly income per capita in the capital is BGN 661, compared to BGN 488 in 2017.

There are a lot more young people in working age living here - 77 percent under 60 years, compared to 68 percent for the country.

All this affects the higher satisfaction of the health and life of the citizens of Sofia as a whole.

People, however, are less satisfied with income levels and the cost of living.

Parameters indicate that 91 percent of people are happy to live in this city. And despite many problems, 57 percent of respondents believe the city is evolving to a better place to live. People like shopping, culture, education and the public transport. Citizens are critical of air quality and noise levels, city cleanliness and the state of the streets and buildings, the cost of living and security.

The level of quality of life is lower in the northern and western regions of the city. This is accompanied by lower self-esteem and lower levels of satisfaction from different aspects of urban life. People's dissatisfaction with public spaces and green zones varies from 30 to 49 percent. 

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Tags: salary, capital, life, society, sofia, Bulgaria


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