Air Conditioners in Downtown Sofia Will be Forbidden

Domestic | May 17, 2019, Friday // 10:03|  views

A New Urban Ordinance will introduce a line for façade and pavement colors and will restrict the placement of ads and air conditioners in the center. Professional consultations on the proposals of the chief architect of Sofia, Zdravko Zdravkov, will take place.

So far, only streets in the center of the capital, but the desire of the chief architect is that in the future such requirements will apply to other neighborhoods.

The regulation is being prepared for two years, and for the first time will regulate the places where the air conditioners will be placed. After its adoption, the owners will have several years to put them in one line. The color solutions of the buildings are in 6 palette - pastel and unobtrusive colors.

 Buildings-monuments of culture will have even more bans.

Tags: capital, sofia, forbidden, air conditioning


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