Toplofikatsiya Sofia Stops Hot Water in Several Metropolitan Districts on Monday
Domestic | May 10, 2019, Friday // 20:40| views
"Toplofikatsiya Sofia" reminds its clients that from May 13 (Monday) to May 20, 2019, (incl.) heating will be stopped in "Mladost-1", "Musagenitsa", "Darvenitsa", Studentski Grad, and Vitosha districts and for all residences of Simeonovsko Shosse Blvd. as well.
From May 13 to May 17, 2019, the hot water will be suspended to the buildings in the area between "Slivnitsa" Blvd., "Hristo Botev" Blvd., "Tsar Simeon" Street, "Knyaz Boris I" Str., " Triaditza Str., ''Serdica'' Street, ''Knyaz Alexander Dondukov'' Blvd., Veslets Street, ''Ekzarh Yosif'' Str., ''Georg Washington'' Street, ''Tsar Simeon'' Str. ''Kniaginia Maria Louisa'' Blvd., ''Struma'' str., St.St. ''Cyril and Methodius'' Street, ''Bacho Kiro'' Street and ''Pop Bogomil'' Street.
Lists of buildings where there will be no hot water are posted on the company's website and Facebook profile. More information can also be obtained from the call center at 0700 11 111.
Toplofikatsia Sofia EAD offers its excuses to the affected customers for the inconvenience caused.