Intensive Traffic is Expected to Continue Today Across the Country Due to the Holidays

Domestic | December 29, 2018, Saturday // 13:38|  views

Intensive traffic is expected to continue today.

A total of 530,000 are the Bulgarians who will travel for the holidays. The main roads will have a strong police presence. Traffic teams will also be deployed at Sofia's exits to regulate traffic, NOVA said.

The repairs on Trakia Motorway and Hemus Motorway are temporarily stopped. The police are urging us not to use the emergency strips and to be patient if we get stuck in the traffic.

This morning, traffic in the Blagoevgrad area, in the direction of Greece, is not intense.

The Predel Pass is fully cleaned and prepared for travelers to Bansko.

Some of the Bulgarians chose to spend the holiday in our western neighbor, Serbia. The movement at Kalotina checkpoint on the first morning of the weekend is calm.

Nearly 4% have increased the Bulgarians who visited Serbia during the Christmas holidays.

Increased traffic is also expected to Macedonia.

Tags: police, traffic, traffic jam, stuck, Bulgaria, Serbia, New Year, holidays, macedonia, greece


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