By 2020, the Drinking Water Treatment Plant in Sliven will be Completed

Industry | November 30, 2018, Friday // 16:32|  views

Източник: pixabay

A little over BGN 3 million needed to complete the drinking water treatment plant in Sliven are provided in the budget program of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works for the period 2018 - 2020. This was announced by Minister Petya Avramova in her participation in the parliamentary control in response to a question of renewal of the construction of the facility.

A public procurement contract is to be announced for the completion of the completed construction, design and construction and assembly works for its completion. The estimated lifetime of these activities is 2020.

The station will clean the supplied water for Sliven from the Asenovets dam. Currently, this percentage is 90.  Its construction was frozen in 2009. One of the main reasons is that the incoming water pipelines from the dam to the drinking water treatment plant as well as those from the facility to the city are not built.

The design and construction of water pipelines will be financed by the Operational Program "Environment 2014-2020". 

The total value of all sites there is about BGN 40 million.

The period for which the operator must apply for funding under the program is 23 April 2019.

The improved water treatment plant service in Sliven is expected to benefit more than 81,000 people after the implementation of the sites provided for in the regional pre-investment survey. 

Tags: drinking water, Sliven, water treatment plant, water pipelines


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