Fuel Protests in France: MAP Reveals Locations of Planned Road Blocks

EU | November 17, 2018, Saturday // 14:10|  views

Photo: Screengrab/blocage17novembre
A growing protest group known as the 'yellow vests' are planning to block French roads and bring traffic to a standstill across the country on November 17th to voice their anger over the rising cost of diesel and petrol in France. Here's where the protests are set to take place.
Increasingly it looks like November 17th might be a day to avoid hitting the road in France altogether. 
Below is a map that shows where the planned protests will be although there are likely to b ones that are not on the map as organisers hope to cause as much disruption as possible. 
A growing protest group known as the 'yellow vests' are planning to block French roads and bring traffic to a standstill across the country on November 17th to voice their anger over the rising cost of diesel and petrol in France. Here's where the protests are set to take place.
Increasingly it looks like November 17th might be a day to avoid hitting the road in France altogether. 
Below is a map that shows where the planned protests will be although there are likely to b ones that are not on the map as organisers hope to cause as much disruption as possible. 
This week French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said the protest movement was "irrational" and vowed that police would intervene if road blockages prevented emergency services from being able to get through.
"We will not tolerate any total blockages," said Castaner.

Tags: fuel, prices, protests, high prices, France, blockades


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