Marine Le Pen Will Visit Sofia on November 16
Diplomacy | November 9, 2018, Friday // 13:28| views
French Prime Minister Marine Le Pen will be on a working visit in Sofia on November 16 to meet nationalist and populist allies from Eastern Europe in connection with the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament next May.
In the Bulgarian capital, the President of the National Assembly will participate in a conference called "Europe of Nations and Freedom, a New Model for European Citizens". At the forum of far-right formations, she will meet with the chairman of the Bulgarian party Volya (''WIll'') Vesselin Mareshki called "the Bulgarian Trump", the chairman of the Czech party "Freedom and direct democracy" Tomio Okamura, with the former leader of the Belgian Flemish party Vlaams belang and the current leader of the Movement for a Europe of Nations and Freedom (DENS), Gerolf Annemans, and a representative of the Austrian Freedom Party.
In the European Parliament, it is represented by the political group "Europe of Nations and Freedom", part of which is the National Assembly, the Italian League Party and the Austrian Party of Freedom.
On May 1, a meeting of these politicians, organized by the Movement for Europe of Nations and Freedom, was held in Nice, France, where they defended the "identity" of the nations and the Greek-Christian origin of European "civilization".
This is Marine Le Pen's second visit abroad in connection with the forthcoming European elections in May. On October 8, she met in Rome with her Italian ally, Matteo Salvini, chairman of the League.