Tomislav Donchev: In the Istanbul Convention, Society Saw a Great Deal of its Fears
Opinions | February 15, 2018, Thursday // 12:54| views
Source: Twitter
Part of society has seen a great deal of its fears in the Istanbul Convention but not without outside help, the vice-premier Tomislav Donchev told BNT.
"When there is such a reaction, the wise politician never acts as a stubborn person, and the first thing that must be taken into account is the emotions and the excitement of the citizens, let the convention be discussed by all parties, let the debate on it continue. If it continues in the coming years to have no support, it will not be ratified, one thing is waking up fears, another is when someone tries to moderate or use them, which is characteristic of the last years in Bulgarian politics. If there is no support in the next years, the Convention will not be submitted for ratification to the National Assembly, "added Donchev.
Deputy Prime Minister also said there were investments that were delayed due to appeals against PPL procedures. "We often talk about how in a public contract ... the contractor was wrongly chosen." The appeal is one of the main mechanisms, but there is something worrying for those where specialized institutions inspect and if anything happened, impose penalties. Another goal is blocking, blackmailng both the assignor and the other companies involved in the procedure, "he said.
Donchev added that on average Bulgaria complained about 10% of the announced orders, which is within the framework of the practice throughout the European Union. However, this was not the case for strategic projects, which are regularly appealed. Tomislav Donchev explained that in such cases a claim for the corresponding amount should be filed against the appealing group if the appeal is unfounded.