After a Mistake the First Same-sex Marriage was Registered in Russia

Society | January 30, 2018, Tuesday // 14:00|  views

Source: Pixabay

Russia's first gay marriage was registered, but it was by mistake, the AP said.
The country does not recognize same-sex marriages and there is a law banning gay propaganda to minors. Still, Pavel Stoczko and Evgeny Voicekovski managed to register their marriage.

The two married in Denmark and then presented their passports to the Russian registration office to register their marriage. The employee did not pay attention to the fact that it was a marriage between two men and stamped the papers certifying that they were both newlyweds.
The interior ministry of Russia said the passports of the two Russians would be taken away and the clerk stamped on them to legalize marriage abroad would be fired.

The Russian LGBT network, an organization protecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender rights, said today that the newly-married couple left the country have left Russia because they were afraid of their security. They feared they would be pressured by the authorities.

Tags: same-sex, marriage, Russia


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