The EC Urges Bulgaria to Implement Data Exchange Provisions

Bulgaria in EU | January 25, 2018, Thursday // 15:05|  views

Source: Twitter

The European Commission has announced that it has drafted a reasoned opinion on Austria, Bulgaria, Luxembourg and Spain for failing to implement the EU provisions related to the European Criminal Investigation Order in its national legislation.

Based on the mutual recognition under the Directive, EU countries must recognize and execute a request for evidence from another EU country in the same way and under the same conditions as would be required by national authorities.

Thanks to this, the fight against crime and terrorism is much faster and more efficient at European level, the EC notes.

The states had to introduce European regulations by May 22 last year. In July 2017, the Commission sent a letter of formal notice to countries that were late. Now the offenders have a period of two months to make the changes, otherwise the committee may refer the matter to the EU Court.

Tags: EU, data, Exchange, provisions


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