The Czech Prime Minister Waives his Immunity to be Investigated
Politics | January 16, 2018, Tuesday // 13:59| viewsSource: Twitter
Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babis has asked MPs to lift his parliamentary immunity to be investigated for fraud signals at a time when he is struggling to win support for his minority government, Reuters reported.
Police investigate whether Babis, who is the second-richest person in the Czech Republic, has received an illegal EU subsidy of EUR 2 million a decade ago by hiding information, holding a farm and a conference center. Babis denies breaking the law. The prime minister made his request before appearing in a parliamentary committee hearing to decide whether to recommend his waiver of his immunity.
Parliament will also resume the debates on the confidence vote of the one-party government of Babis, whose 78-member Deputies Act (ANO) has 78 out of 200 seats. He is expected to lose the vote, as most other parties believe that the head of the government can not be hereditary. Babis assured that his request to be removed his immunity is unrelated to the vote of confidence in his cabinet.