The Movement in the Center Sofia will be Limited Because of Installation of Christmas Decoration
Sports | December 7, 2017, Thursday // 16:50| views
Sofia Municipality introduced a change in the organization of the movement in the capital in connection with the installation of the Christmas decoration.
From 00.30 to 4.30 on December 8, it is forbidden to enter road traffic in both directions on "Patriarch Evtimii" Blvd., between the streets "Graf Ignatiev" and "Georgi Sava Rakovski".
From 00.30 am to 4.30 pm on 9 and 10 December prohibiting entry of vehicles in both directions along the boulevard "Patriarch Evtimii" between the street "Prof.. Fridtjof Nansen" and "Vitosha".
The Municipality of Sofia has also informed about the organization of the movement today in connection with the holding of a state event.