The National Security Strategy: Cyber Defence and Modernization of the Army
Defense | December 7, 2017, Thursday // 10:48|
The government approved the project for updating the National Security Strategy of Bulgaria and proposed to the National Assembly to accept it. The strategy has not yet been published, reports mediapool.
The Council of Ministers announced that the strategy identifies the national interests, the necessary conditions and prerequisites for their realization by neutralizing the risks and threats to the country and its citizens. It outlines a broader understanding of national security by bringing citizens, social and economic aspects to the foreward, without underestimating the dimensions of defense, foreign policy, intelligence, security of public order and the protection of legality. It is proposed to include new policies such as cyber security, transport security, crisis management, youth and sport, and protecting national archives as part of the cultural and historical heritage.
It is of strategic importance to define as a top priority the implementation of the targets adopted by Bulgaria for NATO's capabilities for collective defense and defense capabilities of the European Union. A whole new point is the gradual increase of the defense budget to 2 per cent of the country's GDP. The need to implement the investment projects for the acquisition of new basic battle platforms and the overall modernization of the armed forces, as well as the establishment of a system for transparent, clear selection and career development of the military and civil servants, including an effective package of measures for motivation, added by the government.