From Tomorrow Vitinya Tunnel to Sofia will be Closed for Repairs
Domestic | September 24, 2017, Sunday // 12:04| views
Days after the one tunnel of the Vitinia tunnel on the Hemus highway had been opened after repair, the road agency shuts off the other tube - from Varna to Sofia.
The repair should continue until the end of November. Heavy trucks over 10 tonnes will continue to pass through the bypass route on the old Botevgrad - Sofia road.
Today the traffic in the "Vitinya" tunnel in the direction of Sofia will take place in two lanes. If necessary, in order to avoid traffic jams, from 35 km part of the traffic will be redirected on I-1 Botevgrad - Sofia to the road junction "Vitinska Reka". The refurbished pipe, in the direction of Varna, is open for traffic.