BGN 2M Will be The Budget For Archaeological Works in Bulgaria in 2018
Domestic | September 20, 2017, Wednesday // 16:13| views
''The budget for archaeological works will remain at least BGN 2 million next year. Meanwhile, the Culture Ministry will seek options for a new increase'', Minister Boil Banov told journalists.
''For 2017, the budget for archaeological restoration, conservation and researches was doubled to BGN 2 million. The process of increasing the investments in archaeology will continue'', Banov said.
The ministry is planning innovation projects for archaeological and museum exhibitions, including holograms and visualisation, to attract more tourists.
Banov visited the oldest salt production site in Europe, located near Provadia, to inspect restoration and conservation works funded by the ministry.
He added also that next year will begin the work on the creation of the Museum of Underwater Archeology on the island of St. Kirik and Julita near Sozopol. This will rely on European funds and the idea is to turn the whole island into a museum.
Source: Mediapool