NIMH: It Will be Mostly Sunny with Some Rains in the Balkan Mountains
Environment | September 13, 2017, Wednesday // 11:52|
The atmospheric pressure will rise and will be around the average for September. Today it will be mostly sunny, with temporary increase in clouds and light rain at isolated places. There will be a light to moderate wind from west-northwest.
The temperatures will reach highs of 26°C to 31°C, in Sofia - about 26°C. This is the weather forecast as reported to FOCUS News Agency by the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
The Black Sea Coast will be variably cloudy with light to moderate northwest wind. Temperatures will reach highs of 28°C to 30°C with sea water temperature of 23°C -24°C, north of Cape Kaliakra - about 20°C.
Patchy clouds in the mountains with chances of rain at some places, mainly in the Balkan Mountains, moderate wind from west-northwest. The maximum temperature at 1,200 m will be about 20°C, at 2,000 m - about 12°C.