Drives in the Emergency Lane will be Fined with BGN 1000 and Three Months Without a License
Domestic | July 27, 2017, Thursday // 10:31| views
A penalty of BGN 1,000 and 3 months of without license will be imposed for riding in the highway emergency strip. This is a significant change to the Road Traffic Act, approved at first reading by the Transport Committee in Parliament.
Changes are expected to be put to vote in plenary in September.
At the suggestion of the BSP, MPs adopted the penalty for movement in the emergency lane to be equated with the penalty for driving in the opposite lane, Darik said.
The current law does not explicitly mention such a fine, commented the traffic police chief Boyko Ranovski.
"We support the proposed texts because we do not currently have an explicit sanction for an offender who moves in the emergency lane or stops without a reason There is currently one general text for incorrect traffic on the roadway for which the fine is from 20 to 100 leva, "he explained.
According to Ranovski, driving in the emergency is a violation equivalent to riding in the opposite lane, as there are very serious accidents due to the movement in the emergency lane.