Regional Development Ministry Committed to Sustainable Urban Mobility
Industry | June 13, 2017, Tuesday // 14:39| views
''The Regional Development Ministry has a commitment to the development of the sustainable urban mobility nationwide, Bulgarian municipalities can count on our support'', Minister Nikolay Nankov said, quoted FOCUS News Agency.
The minister took part in a discussion as part of the contest Eco-municipality.
Sofia, Burgas, Plovdiv, Varna, Stara Zagora, Ruse and Pleven have benefited from transport modernisation projects under the Regional Development operational programme. ''There have been efforts towards building high-speed, accessible, environmentally-friendly, energy-saving and convenient urban transport. The results are the reason for supporting the measures in the current programming period too'', Nankov said.
The goals are a more efficient and ecological urban transport and increasing trips by public transport. Almost BGN 300 million will be invested in 39 municipalities under the current Regions in Growth operational programme. Until now, 14 cities have presented project proposals, with Sofia, Pleven, Varna, Stara Zagora, Burgas and Plovdiv upgrading projects from the previous period.
Nine out of 10 EU citizens are of the opinion that the situation with traffic in their area must be improved.