Average Monthly Wage in Bulgaria at BGN 941 for Third Quarter 2016
Business | November 10, 2016, Thursday // 15:54| views
The average monthly wage of employees under labour contract in July was 947 BGN, in August - 923 BGN and in September 2016 - 954 BGN, reported money.bg, citing the National Statistical Institute.
In the third quarter of 2016, compared to the second quarter of 2016, the average monthly wage decreased by 0.5% to 941 BGN. The highest decrease in wages and salaries was reported in ‘Financial and insurance activities’ - 8.6%, and ‘Real estate activities’ - 2.8%.
Compared to the third quarter of 2015, the average monthly wage in the third quarter of 2016 rose by 7.7%. The highest growth rates were recorded in economic activities: ‘Public administration and defence; compulsory social security’ - 10.0%, ‘Manufacturing’ - 9.7%, and ‘Human health and social work activities’ - 9.6%.
The economic activities with the highest wages and salaries in the third quarter of 2016 were: ‘Information and communication’ - 2 159 BGN, ‘Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply’ - 1 647 BGN, ‘Financial and insurance activities’ - 1 612 BGN.
The lowest wages and salaries were recorded in: ‘Accommodation and food service activities’ - 580 BGN, ‘Other services activities’ - 660 BGN, ‘Administrative and support service activities’ - 722 BGN.
Compared to a year earlier, the average monthly wages and salaries in the public sector grew by 6.8%while in private sector - by 8.0%.