Bulgarian President Plevneliev Calls for Cooperation on the Balkans
Diplomacy | July 3, 2015, Friday // 18:34| views
Photo: BGNES
Bulgaria is very well prepared no matter what will happen to Greece. Bulgaria is well prepared for any scenario and will go through any crisis in the region, including that in Greece, with dignity.
The statement was made at a news conference by Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev during a work visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he received the grand prize ‘’European Personality of the Year in Southeast Europe’’, as reported by the institution’s press office.
‘’The Bulgarian economy is stable and growing, our banks have good liquidity and will manage to deal with any situation,’’ Plevneliev added.
In his words Bulgarian institutions are following the processes very carefully and will take all necessary measures.
Plevneliev further expressed the hope that Greece will take upon brave actions and reforms that will lead to stability and thus will allow the economy and the country to move forward.
‘’Only together can we guarantee peace, create our own prosperity and be attractive for investments,’’ he said, referring to all Balkan countries. ‘’Only together can we guarantee that we will have the Balkans that we all dream of – peaceful and full of prosperity.’’
He assured that Bulgaria will continue to be the engine and propeller of good neighbor policies and interconnectedness, economic cooperation and joint projects in the region.
Plevneliev later engaged in a discussion of regional development and the opportunities for economic cooperation at a meeting held with the Chair of Bosnian Parliament, Mladen Ivanic.