Tsvetan Vasilev: KTB Employees Have Been Unlawfully Fired

Domestic | April 26, 2015, Sunday // 15:41|  views

Photo: BGNES

Chair of collapsed Corporate Commercial Bank Tsvetan Vasilev has issued a statement to his employees on his official website, thanking them for the hard and dedicated work. He outlines his stance on the cause of the bankruptcy.

Vasilev's full statement reads:

''Dear colleagues and friends,

I turn to you in this unberably difficult time for all of us to thank you once again for the correct and dedicated work through all these years.

Regardless of the fact that the propaganda of our corrupt media has continued publishing ridiculous statements about the Corporate Commercial Bank (KTB) and you, its respectable employees!

Regardless of the fact that politicians have been fast to express their positions on issues that obviously stand way beyond their levels of competency.

Regardless of the fact that a number of you continue being targeted by tarnished prosecutors and investigators in their animal strive to ''fabricate evidence'' in order to please those that have their ears all red upon receiving orders from the bunker house in Berlin!

Regardless of the fact that your colleagues from all other banks act as through nothing happened and that what happened doesn't affect them. As though they are vaccinated against something similar happening to them. Let us not wish it upon them! But I am convinced that in this ruthless and inexcusable attack, they couldn't last even a day.

I can not fathom the position of the syndicates either! They should not be feeling neutral to the fate of each and every person, especially those who have been fired in violation to Bulgarian labor laws! I also can not fathom the position of the Ombudsman ! If he is not able to submit a sygnal to government institutions and in particular the Constitutional Court then who - the dependant MPs that vote as per the orders of party leaders ? Or he still has an engagement to those who cut his mandate as a Chair of the High Administrative Court (VAS) in favor of Georgi Kolev ? The same person who employed all of his ''professionalism'' as a Chair of VAS to order the death punishment of KTB acting upon a decision that had been taken much earlier. Because what other explanation can we find for the fact that VAS has confirmed the decision of the Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) to revoke the license ofKTB as based on documents that nobody has seen and has not allowed anyone to appeal the decision, thus violating the practice of the Strasbourg Court? Nonetheless, Kolev's dream of the Constitutional Court is getting perhaps even more real! The authors of the attack upon KTB always repay for the ''good'' services provided to them.

Does anyone take into account the humiliation you have to stand on a daily basis ? Or the dead end street situation that you and your families are facing ? And all that just because you are employees of KTB ? Who orders the colleagues of the other banks in the country not to take you as clients ? Is this the moral rock bottom hit by the prosecutors and investigators offices, as well as by BNB? How many law violations need to be committed by the subordinates of Ivan Iskrov and the Guarantee Fund for Bank Deposits (DIF) in order for people to understand that we live in a lawless country in which the fate and lives of people don't matter to anyone?

In fact, lately only the rights of scumbags who are serving the ideologists behind the dreamed of Prosecutor's Republic of Bulgaria, are now being upheld!

I would like to ask you not to feel depressed! You should be proud to have been members of one of the best banks that noboday had a bad word to say! None of those that have worked with the bank and with us. I do not mean Prokopief's scribblers neither the ''media sewers'' owned by Peevski. I am talking about the real ones, working without prejudice!

Believe me when I say that the employees of none of the other banks in a similar situation would not enjoy the respect of their customers the way that you do ! That's why there were jealous of us! Because we were better, more correct, more ethical and more successful!

Do not feel sorry about anything and don't feel down! Whoever is able to create, will always be able to build up something new, and whoever is only capable of destruction, at some point will destroy himself/herself! Live goes on!

Thank you! I bow before you!''

Tags: Tsvetan Vasilev, Corporate Commercial Bank, Bulgarian National Bank, Bulgaria, violation, legislation, bank, Law


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