UNICEF and Bulgarian Prosecutor's Office Sign Agreement Memorandum
Domestic | March 24, 2015, Tuesday // 13:58| views
Photo: UNICEF Press Office
The UN Children Fund and the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria have signed an agreement memorandum that will aim at achieving cooperation for the protection of the right of justice for children in Bulgaria.
The main point of the declaration is to provide children with better opportunities for a just, timely and effective representation in courts, in case thier rights are violated. Witnesses and victims of crimes, children committing violations of the laws, and participants of any lawsuits will be affected by the policy.
''The judiciary system has been created to serve adults,'' stated Mrs Tania Radocaj, UNICEF Representative in Bulgaria. ''It reflects the perceptions of society that children are not in full posession of all rights that adults have, and we need to change that perception.''
According to the document, the court procedures regarding children need to be adapted and alleviated, and should be executed by specially trained professionals.
The first of its kind training is to be launched among Bulgarian prosecutors between March 23 and 27. The topic is set to be ''Children Legislation and Justice for Children'' and will be led by Ms Ingrid van Velzen from the Netherlands.
She noted that it is extremely important for the prosecutors to be aware of the individual level of understanding of every child in stressful situations.
Furthermore, efforts will be employed for the information discussed with each child during a court proceeding to be adapted to his or her ability to understand and process information at a given age.